


I was often asked this question since I told people I’d like to travel. Well, the first place in my bucket list is Hong Kong. Why not? For first time travelers, that goes without saying, at least for me. It’s not because it’s near the Philippines but mainly because of Disneyland (the happiest planet on earth). Yes! The main reason why it’s the first place on my bucket list is because of Disneyland. I would love to explore other attractions in Hong Kong too, like Ocean Park. I love to try their street food and get lost in a night market. And I bet it’s the best place for shopping.


What’s the first place on my bucket list within the Philippines?

I was also asked what’s the first place I’d like to visit within the country and I would always answer Baguio because it’s like the winter city of the Philippines during Summer. That’s why when I had my chance to travel there, I made sure I enjoyed it to the fullest.


And if we’re talking about out of the country trip, there’s no other place I’d like to go to when I was young than in Disneyland Hong Kong. Who doesn’t, right? All kids probably do, perhaps adults too. It won’t be called the happiest place on the planet for no apparent reason. I dreamed of spending the best day of my life there and meeting the characters from my favorite Disney movies.


Certainly, it is very easy to get there but not for all, especially if one falls short of the resources and money. Our decisions shouldn’t be affected by money, because if we let it, we’re doomed to fail. However, the world is so big that a trivial thing such as money plays a big role in other people’s day-to-day lives.

For someone like me who has a humble beginning, travel money is out of the question. There are lined up responsibilities and priorities to fulfill that I end up spending for all of those. But I’m sure time will come that for me travel would no longer be a struggle in terms of financial.


Why Disneyland?

Enough of the money matters. Why Disneyland you asked? Disneyland or the Disney movies will always be a reminder to me of my childhood and of good old days and days of pure fun. Those times wherein the only problem I could possibly have is when I miss my favorite cartoon show. It kinda brings me back to the time of afternoon naps and carefree life, and sometimes, we just have this feeling that we need to look back on those gold days. Maybe, we need something to remind us of those simple things, and that’s what Disneyland is. I think those memories give people hope and courage to survive this time, just like how Disneyland has survived and thrived through time.


What do I do to get there?

Right now, I’m in constant watch of seat sales and other promotions from different airlines and other websites.


I will post my adventures in Hong Kong here once I get there of course. After all, it will hopefully be my first solo out of the country trip and I’m excited.


I’m sure you have travel goals too! Let me return the question to you. What’s your first place on your bucket list?


Meanwhile, check my first solo trips to Baguio, Sagada, and Banaue. I’m excited to tell you about it!


Let’s all make 2019 a year of more travels, and check more places off our list!


Here’s to more travels!

Inday 🙂


From the time this blog was written until now, I was able to fulfill my dream of solo traveling outside the country for the first time. As much as I’d have liked it to be Hong, I ended up in beautiful Thailand.


I stayed in Khao San and I honestly want to go back because I was charmed. I had the best time in Thailand.


I’m excited to hear about your story too. If you want to share, please use my contact page. I’m sure to hear about it. 🙂


Updated on 06.03.19


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